Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Day You Were Born...

We did it!  Mom could not be more excited to share how blessed she and these boys are to have had such an easy delivery story...

I decided I would write an overview of it all—partly to have it written down for myself, and partly for others if they wish to read. I plan to keep it PG, but also don’t want to sugarcoat anything for you soon-to-be moms (or moms of twins) looking for a candid account. Since personally I was so anxious about labor and delivery, one thing that helped me was hearing the different birth stories of my friends with kids (and some with twins) to be encouraged and to know what to maybe expect. I realize everyone’s story is different, just as everyone’s pregnancy is different.  We were just blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy, labor and delivery. So, here’s to sharing a good story of that process… 

I cannot express it enough, how thankful we are with how it all turned out. Even the doctor's were very pleased and called it a rare first delivery story and even “one of the best twins deliveries they’ve seen.” If you ask me what the worst part of the whole experience was, I would tell you the anticipation of it all…starting that night before…

I was 38 weeks and 3 days along and the night before my scheduled induction was an anxious one. I never thought I would have gone this far. “Usually 90% of twins come naturally before 38 weeks, or need to be delivered early due to complications,” the doctors kept telling me at my biweekly appointments. I guess we were the lucky 10%—although my body would consider myself the unlucky 10%—hehe. These boys were healthy and just content right where they were—babies’ heart rates were always great, mom’s blood pressure was good, babies were both head down, and mom was just not having many consistent/painful contractions. I was thankfully never put on bed rest throughout pregnancy—although I pretty much put myself on bed rest those last few weeks because my back was pretty sore.

Having a scheduled induction was nerve-racking for my personality. You don’t get to experience the “ready-or-not” adrenaline that puts you into gear and sends you to the hospital without much warning. Instead, you get to think all night about the whole process that is about to happen the next day—ha!  As my induction date grew closer and people asked how they could be praying for me, I would say, “pray for bravery,” as I am not the biggest fan of anything medically related at all.

My last doctor’s appointment before induction was Monday, January 20th. At that appointment they were finally going to check if I had dilated. Of course, I hadn’t much (I tell ya—I'm convinced these boys could have stayed in 40+ weeks). I think I was 1 cm and 50% effaced. So, they put in a Foley catheter to try to dilate me overnight. At this appointment we also had an ultrasound to confirm their positions. Both were still head down—Praise God! Jett was such a squirmer and shocked us all with how many times he flipped from head up to head down (and vice versa) in the last month of pregnancy! We couldn’t believe it each time, since he didn’t have much room to move—a determined boy I guess. But, we were thankful to see he was staying put this time—head down.

Jett being head down made our delivery options much less complicated, even though all along we knew that the biggest factor in whether or not I would even try to have a vaginal delivery was if Hayden was head down, since he was “baby A” (in the position of being delivered first).  Since I was very adamant about having a vaginal delivery, they gave us many options to think about as we talked through our birth plan. If Hayden stayed head down and Jett was head up, we could choose to try a breeched delivery of Jett as long as he was the same weight or smaller than his brother (since—sorry TMI—they would be able to just essentially pull him out quickly afterwards with the bigger brother having already paved the way). This had some potential risks, though, so it was not ideal. If Jett was not in a good position to deliver breeched, I would also have a risk of a cesarean after a vaginal delivery of Hayden (which was kinda my worst nightmare having to go through both!). So, needless to say, I was super thankful to have two babies head down!

After getting little sleep the night before, staying up to watch the Bachelor ;) and having Taylor rub my feet to help distract me, we got up the next morning to be at the hospital by 7am to begin induction.  At 7:00, we got to our room, my vitals were taken, blood work was done and they started an IV. By around 9:00, they started the Pitocin. This began the contractions and progressed dilation.

The pain of the contractions was honestly fine until around 1. That is when I asked for an epidural. I probably could’ve gone a little longer without, but worried that the anxiety of getting the epidural and the pain of contractions would make for a bad combo. I was glad I asked for it when I did. Boy, the epidural was so "hyped-up" in my mind and pretty scary to me, but it was really a breeze (and that should say a lot coming from someone who has a fear of needles). Again, like most steps in the process for me, the anticipation (the idea of the needle, thinking it was going to be so painful, or thinking, “what if something went wrong”) was the worst part. They numb the area with a local anesthetic and after that you feel nothing until they put the medicine in and that just feels a little cold down your spine.

After the epidural, I didn’t feel my contractions as they started getting worse, and I was dilating a good rate. Also, I never felt out of control—of course you can’t feel much from the waist down, but I could still move my legs, feel my feet, and when the time came for pushing later, I still felt the need to push and had strength to do so.

Around 6pm, I was getting pretty close to being 10 cm and ready to push, but they wanted me to wait a little bit longer because otherwise I could be pushing for a long time (typical of your first pregnancy). So, we waited until about 7:15ish. At this time, my doctor wanted me to push a little before taking me into the operating room for the rest of the delivery (twin deliveries are always done in the OR since they are considered “high risk” and could end in a cesarean). So, they came in and broke my water (Hayden’s amniotic sac), and I pushed for a few contractions. I got a little nervous during this part because after each push I was getting pretty lightheaded. I think I was pushing too hard and definitely not breathing well in between. (I was determined to avoid pushing for hours!) But, once I asked my nurse for some breathing tips in between contractions that helped.

Here’s where my second least favorite part came…

After pushing through about 4 contractions, a nurse came in and told me I needed to “labor down” (or stop pushing for a while) because something was going on in the OR I was waiting for and they weren’t ready for me yet. The reason this was so tough was because my epidural meds weren't as strong anymore (the meds are lowered for the pushing portion of L&D). So, after a few more strong contractions, I had the anesthesiologist come give me more meds so I could bear it. I guess they gave me a “boost” that would just last until I needed to start pushing again.

About an hour later, they wheeled me into the OR and I got ready to push again. When delivering twins, you get quite the entourage of people ready to help with every step of the way. In our case, there were 12 people involved—3 nurses per baby, 2 OB doctors, a few scrub techs and an anesthesiologist. After everyone was all set and I was situated on the new operating room bed, I began pushing again.

I pushed for only 6 contractions, for about 20 minutes (Taylor said I was "in the zone" and looked determined to not have to push for hours!) and then Hayden was born at 8:42pm!  It all happened so fast, and before I had time to take in what had just happened, we were already getting ready to deliver little Jett. 

As one doctor broke my water again (Jett’s amniotic sac), the other doctor was using an ultrasound and his hands on top of my belly to make sure Jett was head down and in a good position to be delivered.  I quickly knew all was good, because as my next contraction began, my doctor told me to push. Very quickly after I started pushing, I heard her say, "Keep going! You're going to deliver Baby B in one push!" So, I gave it all I had, and there he was! Ha! Jett was born only 3 minutes after his brother at 8:45pm! We were all shocked with how fast he came, but since he was about 1.5 pounds lighter than his brother, I guess my body was ready to deliver him so easily.

After that, everything was kind of a blur to me. I was tired and just in awe of the experience. I think I was in shock with how well everything went seeing as we had talked through so many scenarios for how this experience could go. I cannot tell you how very happy I was that each step was without complications. We were very blessed.

I do remember having to give a small push one more time to deliver the placentas. I had a few stiches put in, and Taylor, once he realized I was in good hands, was checkin’ out our little boys as they were getting weighed and taken care of. 

And then, I finally got to hold my little boys...

Introducing...our two bundles of joy:

Hayden John Holiday, 19 inches, 7 pounds 3 ounces
Jett James Holiday, 18 inches, 5 pounds 13 ounces

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Holiday Twins: our journey to you...

First comes love...
Then comes marriage…

I figured it was about time to resurface this online archive of our life and continue posting our journey as our family grows. It has been a while since we've kept this thing up, and I can't promise I'll be any better at it now. At the very least, we hope it'll be a place to continue collecting our memories and milestones as a family.

As we are less than a week away from meeting our boys, I thought I would recap our journey as a family thus far 

[Also, I hate to admit it, but since I am not one to make the time to sit and write much or even read lengthy blogs very often myself, I figured I'd summarize our journey through pictures and videos…] 

Enjoy! ;)

Summer 2008
Taylor and I met in Charleston, SC. 

We dated long distance, met up around the country together, and fell more and more in love.

April 2010
Taylor planned an incredibly special proposal, surprising me in Charleston. Of course, I said, "Yes!"

 July 2010
Amanda moved to California to start a life with Taylor.

 October 2010
We got married!

We journeyed through marriage. Pursuing God, ministry, each other, community, our jobs…together.


May 2013
We found out our family was growing…

 June 2013
…but, much to our surprise, not to a family of 3!

We got to share the exciting news with Taylor's family…

Then to my family
 I was able to be in Ohio for Father's day and decided to announce our big news to my dad and Sheila through his Father's day card. In the card, I wrote a note, and then explained the two gifts I got him. One, was "a gift to last him the summer" (a Tim Horton's gift card--since his favorite summer treat is their frozen cappuccinos). The other was "a gift to last him a lifetime" (a picture of our first ultrasound).

 July 2013
We found out we were having two BOYS!

 May 2013-???
We prepared a place for you and prayed for you every night…eagerly awaiting your arrival...

To H&J...

We are excited to meet you, our sweet boys. You have a mommy and daddy who love you more than you know and are excited to spend every day getting to know the unique you. We pray you grow to know that you also have a Heavenly Daddy who:
  • is with you; is a mighty warrior who saves; takes great delight in you and will rejoice over you with singing -Zephaniah 3:17
  • created your inmost being, while he knitted the unique you in your mother's womb -Psalm 139:13
  • fearfully and wonderfully made you -Psalm 139:14
  • daily bears our burdens -Psalm 68:19
  • is gracious, righteous and full of compassion -Psalm 116:5
  • is a rock in whom you can take refuge -Psalm 94:22
  • made you alive in Christ; forgave you of your transgressions--nailing them to the cross -Colossians 2:13-14
Lastly, after taking a "spiritual parenting" class at our church, your mommy and daddy had a chance to think and pray through what our mission will be as a family. Just like the vows we made in front of our friends and family at our wedding ceremony, we are eager to declare these promises to you and our close friends and family who will help support us, surround us and push us towards them…

The Holiday Family Mission: 
our promise to you...

As a family, our mission is to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our minds and with all our strength; acknowledging His supremacy while also recognizing and humbly embracing our unique place in the big God story. We will seek to walk alongside brothers and sisters in Christ in a selfless pursuit of Jesus, meeting and serving the needs of others with a joyful heart and looking for opportunities to serve each other. We will push our family outside of our comfort realizing that knowing an infinite God requires us to push into the unknown. We will take ownership of our actions and steward, with wisdom and courage, the mission and blessings God has entrusted us with. When necessary, we will embrace the pain of discipline, knowing loving correction brings healing and growth. All these things we will daily bring before our God and ask for his supernatural outpouring of strength and love to shape our hearts more towards the purpose for which he designed us.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The "Experiment"

Before starting to write this entry we had to look back to see the last time we checked in because it had clearly been a while.  Fittingly, it has been almost 2 months since Amanda wrote about the amazing experience we had shared during Easter week.  The concept of living like “He is risen” is something we walked away from that week earnestly desiring to understand more.  That week there was a seed planted in us that God has been growing every day since. 

The fruit of that seed I believe can be summed up in the word restoration.  If you follow the movement in the modern church its undeniable that there is a theme running through the hearts and minds of its leaders that our generation is one that longs to be defined by restoration.  You can hear it in the yearning voices of leaders like Francis Chan, Mike Eerie and John Piper and you can see it in the “radical” lives of other like David Platt, Gabe Lyons and Shane Claireborne.  The Lord is rising up his people to restore the image of His Church that has been marred by hypocrisy and replace that image with one of love, selflessness, service, grace, mercy, joy, peace and restoration.  He is calling us to restore His image more with our lives and less with our words. 

I wonder sometimes how heavily we feel the burden of being an image bearer of Christ?  For Amanda and me, we have felt the Lord pushing us towards understanding what it means to live as image bearers of the one true God.  That pushing has come in the form of many different things from the above mentioned church leaders, to our amazing community of friends and family to the truly inspiring church home we have found in Rock Harbor (www.rockharbor.org).   One of the biggest prayers we have lifted up since we got married was for a community of fellow believers that we could rely on for continued support and sharpening. 

Gabe Lyons, author of the book Next Christians, says this about the role of community amongst the next generation of believers:

          “In stark contrast to today’s social norms, the next Christians crave selfless, life-giving community.  Like-minded individuals are assembling into affirming communities everywhere, and the next Christians are often at the helm.  Intentional relationships define them.  In essence, they are restoring community to its original place in culture.  These next Christians seem to recognize the irreplaceable role community plays in how we function as healthy citizens, and especially as Christians.  As a result, they haven’t bought the lie that individualism promises a better, more fulfilled life.  They know that being grounded can’t happen without a community of friends.  They are people committed to experiencing life together, not just by saying nice words but engaging in the hard realities of loving, grieving, serving and suffering with one another.”

This thought echoes so much of what Amanda and I had been thinking as we began to pray for a community to surround us as we began our marriage.  Each of us knew what a vital role our individual communities of friends had played in supporting us through our lives to this point and now we began desiring to share in a “life-giving” community together.  Nine months after we began that prayer, I can sit here today and tell you that God has done “immeasurably more than we could {have} ever asked or imagined” (Ephesians 3:20).  We have been blessed with an eclectic, spirited, selfless, passionate group of friends that have pushed us further in our faith than we have ever been before.  Together we are pursuing what it means to live a life “no longer for ourselves but for him who died for us and has risen again” (2 Corinthians 5:15).  As we sought after this goal, slowly but surely, God revealed to us areas where we had set up idols in our lives. 

One topic that constantly came up in conversation more than any other (just as in the bible) was money.  As young married couples you are bombarded with the message that it is so important to develop financial security.  You are led to believe that you need to have a solid 401k, at least 3 month’s salary in savings, and own a home as soon as possible.  Initially there is no doubt that Amanda and I felt many of those same pressures.  Now don’t get me wrong those things aren’t bad things, but what is harmful is when you become slave to them and your dependence on God is replaced with a dangerous self-reliance.  As a group we tangled with the idea that God may really have something completely different for us as believers than the American Dream.  Out of those conversations was born a desire to fight the deadly consumer mindset that has infected so much of the church community.  Our dependence upon our things (our IPhones, cars, houses, clothes, etc.) is more obvious now than ever before in history.  David Platt author of the book Radical even goes so far as to state that he believes that the next generation of the church will look back on the consumer culture within the church today much like we look at slavery in the church in generations past.  Now that is a strong statement, but every time a church builds a multi-million dollar building while members of its congregations suffer in debt, hurt or homelessness it becomes more and more true!   

All this lead us one Thursday night into a discussion about living in community.  Most of us had read Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claireborne and thought, “man that community seems beautiful” and a few of us even knew couples that were so “crazy” and “weird” that they had actually moved in together.  We weighed the pros (saving money, accountability, less reliance on things, additional support in hardship, ability to provide greater care to others, prayer etc. etc.) and cons, shared our opinions, prayed and then left just like we did every other Thursday night.  Nothing happened, or so we thought… 

Within our group are a couple by the name of Dustin and Brooke Armer.  Dustin is a bio-medical engineer from Michigan that has a childlike playfulness that is balanced beautifully with a fiery passion for the name of Jesus.  Brooke is a first grade teacher at St. Mary’s Christian School and embodies everything you would hope your son or daughter’s 1st grade teacher to be.  She is warm, kind, articulate, full of life, joy and Jesus.  They were there that night that we started the conversation about community and God pushed Dustin over the edge first.  Brooke would tell you that Dustin is pretty regularly throwing out “radical Christian ideas” for them to pray over and communal living probably fell somewhere between living on 1/10 your income and moving to Uganda.  But this time it was different, God was speaking clearly to them both. 

So, about a week after that Thursday night we got a call from Brooke and Dustin inviting us over for Dinner.  (Important note: Amanda and I had been in the midst of a search for a new apartment, our lease was set to end in 2 weeks, and we had been to probably 50 places in search of more space for less money.  Looking back that search was a painful process for us, nothing felt right, we fought over what we wanted and couldn’t agree on any place, it’s so obvious now why.)  We enjoyed dinner and then sat down on the couch in the living room.  I remember very clearly right before they spoke Dustin looked over at Brooke and Brooke gave a small confirming nod as if to say, “I’m with you husband,” and then they invited us to move in with them.  We listened to their reasoning, thanked them for even considering us friends worth living with, told them we would pray about it and get back to them.  We got in the car that night and I think for both of us we knew the answer would be yes, but we took time to pray, talk with friends, family and each other. 

During that time I was reading Radical (the book I mentioned above) and in the last chapter David Platt challenges the reader to take part in an experiment and in one year pray for the entire world, read the entire bible, sacrifice your money for a specific purpose, spend time in another context and commit your life to multiplying community.  He says this about his experiment:
            “So I challenge you to an experiment.  I dare you to test the claims contained in the gospel, maybe in a way you have never done before.  I invite you to see if radical obedience to the commands of Christ is more meaningful, more fulfilling, and more gratifying than the American Dream.  And I guarantee that if you complete this experiment, you will possess an insatiable desire to spend the rest of your life in radical abandonment to Christ for his glory in all the world” 

Even though he was speaking to a different experiment the point was the same for our experiment.  Unless you step out and test the claims that the life Christ promises is greater than life without him then how can you ever know for sure?  We decided that the most important decision we could make early on in our marriage was not to protect privacy, or commit time to ourselves but to build the discipline of saying “yes” to the Lord and allowing Him to show His mighty provision and care.  This way the next time He puts something on our hearts that seems a bit “radical” we will be able to boldly take that step having experienced his provision first hand. 

As I write this, we are three weeks into our “experiment” and I can already say that God is very good and we have been truly blessed already.  We look forward to updating you all on how God is using this time and how he has used this home for his glory.  We love all of you, we would love you to comment, ask questions and continue to read our little blog.  Sorry it’s a little long this time J 


Monday, May 30, 2011

Wedding Video

We finally have a "shortened" version of our wedding video to share!  For those of you that were unable to attend, we hope this helps you feel a part of our special day last fall.

Enjoy :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Love Has Won the Day!

Oh man…what an awesome week!  We often hear the words, “He is risen,” and reply with, “He is risen indeed!” during the Easter season and Holy Week.  Instead, my husband Taylor always says in response, “He is risen; so act like it!”  Our church gathered a few times this week as we approached and celebrated the greatest day in history, and what a holy week we experienced as a Church here in OC.  How can we not act like our lives have been transformed by the resurrection of Jesus Christ? How can we not respond? 
Good Friday
On Good Friday, we gathered to remember the love and sacrifice that brought Jesus to the cross.  He fulfilled a prophecy long talked about: that the Son of God would suffer and die for the sins of the world…
"Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.  Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.  But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.  The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.  All we like sheep have gone astray.  We have turned, every one, to his own way.  And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all...Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.  He has put Him to grief.  When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.  He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied.  By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities." (Isaiah 53:4-6, 10-11)

"For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.  For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:6-8)

There is so much power in that event in history when Jesus died on the cross and bore the sins of all mankind. We no longer have to be separated from our Creator.  His dying on the cross bridged the way for us to have a forever relationship with our Creator. He made all things new! 
The Stirring
Then, on the Saturday before Easter, over 3,000 people from all around the OC gathered as one Church at the OC Pacific Amphitheatre for The Stirring.  We worshipped the Lord together—led by many worship leaders around the county.  Our hearts gathered to pray for our county, pray for our schools, pray for our leaders, pray for those that we invited to Easter Sunday to hear the message of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection.  With reckless abandonment, we worshiped and prayed with complete expectancy and eagerness for the gospel message to be shared and received by those that we love. 
Francis Chan, the author of The Forgotten God and Crazy Love, lead The Stirring.  Francis’s passion was contagious as we yearned for God to heal, save and renew our cities, county, country, and world in a profound and significant way.  We wrestled with our feelings as we experienced the overjoyed feeling that Jesus Conquered death and how we can now live in freedom, while also experiencing the burdening feeling that we felt for those that don’t know Jesus.

We were convicted as a Church and spurred on to respond to the fact that Jesus Christ has overcome the world!   “In this world you may have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world!” Jesus said (John 16:33).  There is no fear in this world…if Jesus has conquered death, He can conquer our issues. 
Easter Sunday
Then arrived Easter Sunday.  Francis Chan taught again as we heard the story that continued after the cross...that Jesus is ALIVE! Freedom is here and is ours!  "We learned that mundane, without joy, and hopeless living is not what God has intended for us.  He is the giver of Freedom and life in ways that make us new and bring ultimate purpose and joy." (I quoted this from the RH recap of the evening because I loved it so much!)

Through his teaching, many people encountered Godeven for the first time. We witnessed hundreds come to be baptized and experience newness in life that morning--even one of our dear friends, Maria :) 

“Ultimately, through each baptism, each shout of victory, each prayer, each heart turning, each splash of color, each life set free, and each day that lead us to this one, God showed us…

Love has won the day!” (from the RH Blog).

Death once reigned...but, with Christ we can Reign in Life! Thank you for the cross!

"For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!" Romans 5:17

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy 27th Tay!

Taylor turned 27 yesterday!  To celebrate, we invited some friends and family over to enjoy a dessert bar at our apartment.  Having no work this week, since we are on spring break at my school, I spent the day preparing and baking while Taylor was at work.  I realized that I wouldn't mind doing this as a full time job everyday...baking, doing crafty things, cleaning, planning birthday parties...so fun! 

I decided to make it Easter/spring-themed to try out some new dessert recipes appropriate for the season.  At the bar, we had: robins egg nest chocolate espresso brownie cupcakes, banana chip cupcakes, carrot cake cookies with cream cheese icing, Starburst jellybeans, Easter m&m's, fruit, chocolate croissants, Red Vine ropes, bunny peeps, and for Taylor's birthday cake, I made his favorite dessert: cheesecake with strawberries.  It was a good time with friends and family...chatting, eating, laughing, watching the Angels/Red Sox game, singing "happy birthday" and Taylor blowing out his 9 candles.

Taylor's feeling a little insecure about his age...realizing he's getting closer to being in his "thirties."  So, make sure you to tell him how young he looks next time you see him :)  He is looking pretty good for being so old :) His mom actually brought over a blown up picture of Taylor in his prime--when he was 4 years old and rockin' little boy beauty pageants in his day :)  Taylor wore a crown on his head and that picture taped to him all night to remind him that he was once a young beauty king.  We had a good night :) Happy birthday, my wonderful husband!  I love you so very much!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Everlasting Love

On March 19th, Taylor and I were given the honor of standing beside Taylor's sister Kendall and her now-husband Tommy, as they became one in marriage. Tommy and Kendall had been patiently waiting for this day to arrive as they had been dating for over 4 years. The wedding took place at a beautiful ranch here in Southern California.  The day was covered in prayer and overflowing with the Lord's grace and love. To all who prayed for the weather to hold up, it was a gorgeous day for an outdoor ceremony and reception! Kendall has been in the wedding planning business for many years and added so many creative, do-it-yourself touches that made the day even more personal to them. She did such a remarkable job!  I have never been to a more beautiful wedding!  We were honored to celebrate that day with them and witness their forever union begin on that day :)  We are excited to grow even closer with them as we are now both engaged in newly-wedded life together.  We are already learning so much from each other--about living our lives for Christ as newly married couples as well as what it means to live in Christ-centered community with others.  Can't wait to continue to grow closer together in the years to come. 

Click below to see the videographer's recap of the night (look out for Taylor's entrance dance):


Also, check out my Flip video showing the pre-wedding footage of the beautiful day and beautiful bride:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Prayer for Jim on Wednesday...

Please lift up Amanda's dad (Jim Stookey) this week in prayer, especially Wednesday.  He is having surgery on Wednesday morning for his inner-ear disease (Meniere's Disease).  The purpose of the surgery is to help minimize the frequency of his vertigo attacks caused by the disease or potentially take them away completely.

A little apprehension comes with this surgery as they do have to drill into his skull, and it could also have a tremendous impact on his hearing (risk of hearing loss).  Because it also affects his balance, he will have a significant amount of vertigo attacks for 2 weeks as an immediate side effect of the surgery.

We believe in the power of prayer, and I love that we have so many prayer warriors we can call upon around the country. 

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:15-16

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." Ephesians 6:18

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Going to the Chapel

Finding ways to kill time as we anxiously waited to walk down the aisle, my bridesmaids and I decided we would sing before the wedding ceremony.  I have some of the most musically talented friends around :)  Kendall happened to catch it on her Flip video camera...Click the link below to watch :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Praises and Prayers!

Current praises:

>Thank you Jesus for providing us with community! 
Taylor and I have been fervently praying, actively seeking out relationships, and asking God for a new community of believers to grow with together as we enter marriage and as I, Amanda, am new to the OC area.  We have been praying and asking some of you to pray for the Lord to provide passionate believers to come alongside each other, encourage each other, meet together, pursue God together, and serve passionately together. And, after some tears and the Lord teaching Amanda patience for Christian women, friends and community to surround her and Taylor, the Lord has blessed us with a group of married couples (some already in our lives and some connected to us in some way) who have been praying and asking the Lord for the same thing in their life.  We have now been connected with 5 couples who are passionate about the Lord and His Word. We meet in each other’s homes every Thursday, share a meal together, pray for one another, help each other when we are in need, serve on Sundays together and look for ways to share God’s Love with others.   It’s just a rich time of fellowship, and an even greater answer to our prayers than we expected!  
God promises, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11). And, to his disciples, Jesus promised, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:22-26, 31)
The Lord is good and faithful.

Current prayer needs:

>Safety for Taylor

Pray for Tay as he has been given many traveling opportunities this month for work (some overseas).   Pray for energy, health, and safe traveling!  He is currently in Germany, until Friday.  Lord Jesus, bring him back safely to me :)

>For the Lord to show us where He wants us to give our time and our finances. 
We’re finally starting to get settled here in many different ways, but are still seeking the Lord’s plan for our time in serving and pouring ourselves out to others as we begin our marriage.  Through our small group study and conversations, we have been really energized, spurred on and convicted by the Holy Spirit to live like the first church in Acts—consistently and frequently joining in fellowship with other believers, consistently in the Word, sharing the Gospel boldly, serving and loving zealously, generously giving of our finances and resources, etc.  We are realizing that this zealousness can be hard to maintain in a world that directs you be self-sufficient and independently minded, and in a world that persuades us as a new couple to feel as though we should be saving and protecting our finances for the future we are beginning. We want to be good stewards of our money, and we also want to rid ourselves of that fear of our own financial protection and live for the calling we have received through our Christ Jesus.  We want to continue to live knowing that nothing on this earth is eternal or our own.  We want to continue to be spurred on towards the reality that our time and our resources belong to God and this is only our temporary home. So, were asking for prayer to continue that alive in our spirit and for us to continue to be lead by the Holy Spirit to where he wants to spend our time, money, resources, and energy.  Our prayer is that we will “not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2) and that we will continue to be convicted by this Truth spoken by Jesus, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  God, lead us and use us for your glory!

>For blessings, more hands and resources for Mary’s Kitchen and its staff
Going along with our above prayer request, one cool thing we’ve been doing as a small group is serving at Mary’s Kitchen (a volunteer organization that provides food and services to the homeless of Orange County, CA) a few weekends per month with our small group—cleaning, sorting through food/clothing donations, food-prep, etc.  That has been a rewarding time for us, as the kitchen volunteer staff has needed a lot of help on the weekends as their organization grows and their body of people they serve grow as well.  There are men and women who have served there for over 20-years. Pray for the lives that are being impacted by this God-driven organization and that the Good News can be spread to them through the love and servant’s heart of those that have given so much of their lives working and serving there.

>For the Lord to continue to lead and teach Amanda in her job.  
The Lord is teaching Amanda a lot right now, as she is teaching in a new and unfamiliar school setting as well as teaching a new type of student than she has ever worked with before.  Having taught in very diverse settings thus far—inner-city Columbus, OH teaching underprivileged and academically struggling students, rural and suburban settings in Charleston, SC and now teaching in a private school in Orange County—she is thankful for the richness of her experiences as a teacher, but still learning as this new setting is different than anything she has worked with.  The Lord is not only guiding her and teaching her new things as a teacher, but He is also stretching her in different ways and teaching her a lot about herself as a person through this new experience.  Thank you, Lord, for blessing her with a job with so much support and passion found in its staff.  Continue to mold her as a teacher!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Reception Video

This is the video Chris Babbit made for us for our reception.  Both songs in the background are the ones we danced to with our mom and dad on our wedding day. I will say, I just watched it for the first time since the wedding, and...i cried a little.  I will also say...Taylor was a sweet little baby :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2010: Our Year in Pictures

2010: Our Year in Pictures
1/2/10- Was honored to stand beside my high school bestie, Kendra Cosko, and watch her become Mrs. Kendra Franke!
...caught the bouquet :) (me next?)
1/31/10- Traveled to Miami, FL with Megan for Super Bowl Weekend to meet Taylor and some more of the Power Balance Crew.
...and for Chad Ochocinco's Super Bowl party, sponsored by PB.  
2/20/10- Went up north to go skiing with Jessie.
4/3/10 - 4/9/10 Roadtripped to Charleston, SC for my Spring Break to see my college friends!
4/8/10...was surprised to see Taylor there in Battery Park later in the week...
And he asked me to marry him :) (video below)
I said YES! So, we celebrated!
4/10/10- Drove to Cleveland with Taylor and Ryan to do some PB work at the Cav's game...and run a PB promotional "meet-and-greet" with Shaq...

5/8/10- Traveled to Atlanta, GA to celebrate my sweet college roommate and friend Lulie's wedding!
5/29/10- Flew to CA on Memorial Day weekend to see my new fiance and celebrate our engagement with friends and family there.
5/31/10- Got our engagement pictures taken by the wonderful Matthew Morgan (http://matthewmorgan.net/) in Laguna Beach, CA.
6/4/10- Finished my first year of teaching 6th/7th grade math at Columbus Collegiate Academy, an amazing charter school in inner-city Columbus.  Was very sad to leave the wonderful things going on at our school and to leave my students :( But, excited to start a new life in CA with my soon-to-be husband!
6/18/10- Celebrated the marriage of one of my best friends from high school, Olivia, and her new hubby Dana!
6/27/10- Roadtripped across the country with my high school best friend, Katie Jacobs, to move out to CA.
7/10/10- Taylor stood alongside Clark Hardman as his best man in his wedding as he married his new wife Val :)
8/3/10- Drai's in Hollywood for a PB celebrity poker tournament and benefit, raising money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.  Met some Westerville friends there!
8/5/10- Traveled to Charleston for my Bachelorette weekend!
June-August- Had a some beautiful wedding showers...hosted by sister and Taylor's aunt :)
August- Got a job teaching 7th grade math at LePort Schools here in CA!
10/9/10- Married my best friend :)

10/15-10/22- Honeymooned in Bali, Indonesia
11/25-11/28- Traveled back to OH to spend Thanksgiving with my family.
11/26/10- Had my 5-year high school reunion.
12/11/10- PB Christmas Party
12/19-12/26- Daddy and Megan came to visit us and spend Christmas in CA!